Molly and I spent a week in Virginia in mid April. We were there to attend my good friend, Dirty Bird's wedding. While there we stayed at Jellystone Park, home to Yogi and Boo-boo. We had a really nice week that included a cave tour of Luray Caverns, a hike on the Appalachian Trail, and some good times with our friends. We will always remember that trip, however, for something that we couldn't even tell people when we were there...
It was in Cabin 63 at Jellystone Park that we found out Molly was pregnant. We were excited but bummed that we couldn't tell everyone. We did call Molly's sister Betsy (who is a nurse) for advice, and decided to tell my sister to keep things even. It was no coincidence that we called the two people we knew would be most excited for us.
So after running to the store to buy prenatal vitamins we managed to keep things under wraps for the rest of the trip. The biggest challenge was probably coming up for different excuses for why Molly wasn't drinking (we were there for a wedding after all).
The hot weather has hit Three Rivers already (over 90 today) which makes me worry about the summer. Hopefully there will be no 117 degree days like last summer.
Hopefully I will have a few entries by the time we tell you all what is happening. And I hope you can all follow our journey over the next few months. I will try to get as many pictures of Molly as I can.
The first picture is Molly hanging out with Nick (Dirty Bird) and Shona on the porch of our 'Yogi' cabin.
The second is Molly enjoying a non-alcoholic beverage at Shona and Nick's place.
This last pic is Molly in her "Bombshell" dress that she wore to another wedding in early April.