Friday, January 25, 2008

The Many Faces of Olive

While we have not gotten an "official" first smile (so far we believe it has just been gas), our little Olive is quite expressive. Here are a few pictures that were taken within a matter of minutes. We never know what mood she will be in: sleepy, alert, upset, or content. She is keeping us on our toes!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

First National Park

We took Olive to Walnut Canyon the other day for a visit. It was her first National Park (of many we're sure) and she commemorated the trip by getting her National Park Passport book stamped. We also signed her into the guest book. As you can see from the pictures, she could hardly hide her excitement.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Saying goodbye is hard

It has been so nice to have everyone come visit, but it's so hard to say goodbye. The house seems so empty after you all leave.

Monday, January 14, 2008

More visitors

My mom and sister arrived on Saturday. It is so nice to have our loved ones come and visit. Everyone is so quick to help which gives Molly and I a little break. And Olive loves to be held by new hands and look up into the faces of her relatives. The hardest part about having family come is that it reminds us how far apart we all live.

Mom and Beth helped me give Olive her first real bath yesterday, and Olive seemed to enjoy it. Between the two them, they have cooked and cleaned and generally spoiled Molly and I again.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Talkin' a walk

We took Olive for her first walk around the neighborhood yesterday. It was a little chilly, but otherwise a beautiful day to be outside. You'll notice from the pictures that even though Mom and Dad did all the walking, Olive was worn out when we got home.

The last picture is what happens when daddy gets to pick out the outfit...matching shirts!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Healthy and Happy

Olive went to the Doctor yesterday for her 2 week checkup. They had hoped she would be back up to her birth weight of 6 lbs 12oz. Olive had no problem with that, weighing in at 7lbs 4oz. Dr. Berger (who we like very much) said Olive is doing great, and to keep up with what we are doing.

We also took Olive into work yesterday to show her off. She was a big hit as everyone played "Pass the Baby." We plan on getting her out to the Monuments soon.

Thanks again for all the blog comments, we love to read them!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Snow Day!

We have gotten over a foot of snow in the last few days so things have been a bit lazy around these parts. We are listening to music, dancing, and making funny faces. Who could ask for more?

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

I just wanted to thank all of you that have commented on the blog so far. It's nice to know people are reading. For those of you who haven't...don't be intimidated by having to join the site. It's a free, easy sign up and you won't get any junk mail from the site. We'd love to hear from everyone.

Speaking of hearing from people, thanks to everyone who has called or written to check in on us. Don't be afraid to call, if Olive is sleeping she will sleep right through the phone ringing.

I wanted to update our Three Rivers friends who attended Molly's shower. Justin Pursley correctly guessed Olive's birthday and Alex Picavet came closest to the weight with a guess of 6lbs, 11oz. However, both Justin and Alex both guessed Olive would be a boy. The boy-girl guess was at 50-50, so half of you were right.

We have had a wonderful visit with Grandma and Grandpa and Auntie Betsy. They have been such a big help, and it will be sad to see them go. We will be welcoming my side of the family soon enough though. Olive isn't going to suffer from any lack of love from her family.