Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

It is still weird to think that I, Molly, am a mother but what a great first Mother's Day I've had! Will took Olive when she woke up this morning and I got to sleep in until 5:30 am! WOW! (It was nice to get to lay in bed for awhile even if it was still early.) After "lounging," I came down to a nice breakfast complete with yummy hot chocolate made for me by Will. I opened some very nice cards and gifts and both Will and I called our mother's and Will's sister to wish them happy days.
It was such a beautiful day here, I decided that the best way to celebrate would be to go on a walk on one of Flagstaff's many trails. They have a very elaborate Urban Trail system that we have not yet had a chance to explore so we headed to the Soldier's Trail at Fort Tuthill County Park and took a 4 mile hike. We made a picnic out of it and spent a while laying in the shade of the ponderosa pines, ate sandwiches, drank Nu-Grape (my FAVORITE!) and played with Olive. I think that every day should be mother's day....

We decided to see what would happen if Olive got to control the we know what her fingers and toys see...


Betsy said...

Happy Mother's Day! It looks like you had a great day with Olive and Will. Olive looks great in her red strawberry fashions. She is a gorgeous model.

Love you and the Bunky,
Aunt Betsy

grandma said...

Happy Mother's Day to you, Molly. We Love the pictures, as usual. Glad you enjoyed your first Mother's Day and Molly, it looks like you are happy to be a Mom.
Will sure has his hands full with two such beautiful girls.
Love you ALL,
Dad and Mom
(Grandpa and Grandma Schroer)