Sunday, December 7, 2008

O Christmas Tree

Last year with our move in December and Olive arriving on Christmas Eve, we never got around to getting a Christmas Tree. So yesterday we went to get a tree (opting for a small one in case we need to move it out of reach of little hands) and while Olive was taking her afternoon nap Molly and I decorated it. Olive was very interested in it when she came downstairs. She sat and looked at it for a few minutes before she started poking at the ornaments. She was even quick enough to pull a few off.

Today we are going to enjoy a (hopefully) quiet Sunday around the house. It could be a challenge as someone is getting 2 more teeth which will make a total of eight!

1 comment:

Curly said...

That is soooo cool, did she manage to find the pickle? BTW, I just decorated my tree (yep, I got one this year) and I put up the pickle you and Molly gave me.....