Thursday, February 18, 2010

A visitor and Valentine's Day

Our friend Vicki (you may remember her from previous blog posts) came to visit us over the past weekend. Olive enjoyed having Vicki around, but couldn't quite get her name right. As a result, she became known as "This One". Olive would say, "This One come?" Vicki knew just how to make Olive happy by reading her stories and doing arts and crafts.

After Vicki left for her summer job in Moab we celebrated Valentine's Day. Olive, of course, was spoiled by the family. The highlight of her day was her new umbrella from Pop Pop and Grandma. We even took it for a walk around the block.


J A A D E Kulp said...

Auntie always makes your pictures so big on her computer to see your sweet face even bigger! I love the pictures with your umbrella!
Jackson and Aurora were so excited over your Valentines! They say THANK YOU! xoxo

grandma said...

Cute picture Olive. We love your hat and we love YOU!!
PopPop and Grandmaw