Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Vacation: Part 3

There are so many great pictures taken while Olive was visiting Grandmaw, Pop Pop, and Beetsy we are going to have to post them in 3 separate blog entries!

Her first few days there were spent in the pool, at a family gathering with all the extended family, and stopping by Aunt Pop's place. She had a big time but there was still more to come in the week!

MacKenna and Madeline with Olive up at Perry County.

Moonlite...yummm.Visiting Jack and Jill (the burros) with cousin's Tracie and Emma!

(We were able to extract Pop Pop from the pink car.)

Relaxing with Beetsy after a long day...

1 comment:

grandma said...

And what a fun time it was!! We had a blast. We've been watching for these pics. Thanks. Miss you all. Hugs and Kisses from PopPop and Grandmaw