Saturday, August 4, 2012

Pop Pop Dewey and Grammie Kim

Olive welcomed a couple of visitors to Tennessee this week and as usual proved to be quite the tour guide.  The week included a few hikes in the park, swimming, playing with animals and of course, a trip to the Aquarium.

Olive was such a good girl all week and we realized just how far away Portland, Oregon is when we had to say goodbye.

With all the craziness in the last 6 weeks or so the blog has not gotten enough of our attention.  You can follow Molly and I both on Instagram for lots and lots of pictures of Ollie.

Playing with animals on the porch

Getting ready for the Olympics

Playing with animals on the couch

Hiking the Little River Trail

Celebrating Grammie Kim's birthday with blue ice cream


1 comment:

Grandma said...

Good to see THE blog cranked up again. Everyone's looking GREAT!