Sunday, May 6, 2007

Almost summer...

We enjoyed a couple of overcast days this week, probably our last before the heat of the summer descends upon us. We even had a little rain, which Molly and I always love. Especially when we know we won't see it again for about 6 months.

Molly and I attended our third wedding yesterday in the last month. All three were beautiful in their own way, but each very unique. About the only constant (besides two people getting married) was how gorgeous Molly looked. The highlights of yesterdays nuptials was the setting and a great little Bluegrass band. Molly and I, of course, entertained the guests with our typical dance moves. We may not know what we are doing, but we sure have fun trying.

I am trying to get ready for summer. The food boxes are starting to pile up in the back room and I have begun to sort through my gear that has been boxed up since last October. I will begin this summer lighter than last summer, but probably in worse shape. I am still having knee problems that are limiting my activity. Molly and I took the dogs for a walk today, though, and I was encouraged by how things felt. Maybe the homeopathic stuff is working.

Molly is doing well even though she managed to get a bit of poison oak. (We think Bucky was the culprit.) It seems that one of us gets it every spring. So today she is sporting a little pink in the form of Calamine lotion. She has little bouts of nausea and gets tired a bit more than normal, but otherwise is holding up well. She is a tough cookie.

We are looking forward to our appointment on the 18th. We have lots of questions and we hope to use this as our green light to share our good news with everyone. It was so fun to get to tell our parents and we both are looking forward to the reaction from some of our close friends.

I included a few pictures from the wedding we attended yesterday.

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